Dr Meredith Williams
My Story...
Meredith is a GP and has been consulting from East Sydney Doctors for the past seven years. She has particular interests in medical acupuncture, mental health, sexual health and addiction medicine.
Meredith studied Medicine at the University of Newcastle, graduating in 1998. She undertook general practice training on the far north coast of New South Wales, with extended skills training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Since attaining her GP Fellowship in 2005, she has completed further training in the management of HIV and Hepatitis C and is registered to prescribe opiate substitution treatment.
She has also received training in the management of mental health issues through the Black Dog Institute and the NSW Institute of Psychiatry. In 2010, she completed a Graduate Certificate of Medical Acupuncture at Monash University and is keen to continue to expand her understanding and experience of this interesting treatment modality in the management of pain conditions. She is registered as a provider of antenatal shared care to obstetric patients planning to deliver at the Royal Hospital of Women.
Meredith consults from both East Sydney Doctors and a multidisciplinary public clinic in Kings Cross which has a focus on drug and alcohol issues, sexual health and young people, giving her a broad understanding of many of the social issues affecting these populations.
In addition to her medical studies, Meredith has a degree in Fine Arts from the National Art School and has been involved in the curating of exhibitions in the East Sydney Doctors Gallery. She also enjoys yoga, surfing and swimming.