Clinical Trials for Cervical Lesions
Cervical Lesions
Have you High Grade CIN2/CIN3 lesions detected?
We are trying a new intravaginal drug to treat these pre-cancerous lesions!
If you are successfully enrolled, the study will provide colposcopies and if you require a LLETZ procedure, it will be free of charge!
Antiva Biosciences is developing the study drug ABI-2280 as a potential new topical treatment for pre-cancerous lesions on the cervix caused by the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). The medication is in the form of a tablet that is inserted into the vagina.
To date, the main treatment options for these cervical lesions include surgery or laser ablation (removal) of these pre-cancerous lesions. However, surgery or removal of the lesion can cause complications for pregnancy and therefore is a less desirable treatment for women planning to be pregnant.
A safe and effective topical treatment like ABI-2280 would offer a choice for patients wanting a non-surgical treatment option. Currently, there is no approved drug for the treatment of pre-cancerous lesions on the cervix.
Your participation in the ABI-2280-303 trial may help us to better understand treatment for pre-cancerous cervical lesions, which could help others in the future.
In order to be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:
Women, aged between 22 to 55
When examined in our clinic, you are found to have high grade CIN2/CIN3 lesions, and a positive high-risk HPV result.
You will be in the ABI-2280-303 trial for approximately 2 weeks and followed for safety for up to 12 weeks. You will need to:
Attend your visit appointments
Undergo procedures (including Pelvic Exams and a LLETZ procedure) at various times during the study
Consent to the collection and testing of your urine, blood and tissue samples
Would you like to be part of our clinical trials for Cervical Lesions ?
If you're interested in participating in this trial, please reach out to us for more details.
Email us:
Call us:
02 9332 2531​